To support the needs of Head Start statewide, the Board’s Workforce Development Committee is focusing on the wellness of you and your entire staff.

Each Monday for six weeks, we’ll be sending you a calendar of Weekly Wellness Moments – a collection of short and helpful one-minute mindfulness activities to promote self-care, reduce stress, invoke calm, and generate a happy mindset.

Right now, you are essential! You are working on the front lines, making sure our most precious resource, our children, are doing well. Any change in a person’s routine causes some sort of stress. This is happening right now for both you and your families. It is imperative that you check in with yourself daily and make sure you are mindful of self-care. Remember, you are important to lots of people right now, but you can’t help anyone unless you help yourself first. Make yourself a priority.

Many thanks to the HSC Board’s Workforce Development Committee for your work on this project:

  • Delia Vicente (Chair)
  • Jodie Keller
  • Linda Kaercher
  • Suzanne Godinez
  • Tabitha Thompson

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