With ever-changing conditions impacting your programs, it is important to stay up to speed with “all things data”. OHS has continued funding your programs so that you can serve your families and their children in any way possible. Accompanying this funding commitment is an expectation to count those services, both traditional and newly virtual, so that they can quantify the federal investment. Many programs have not implemented successful ways to do this, as most of us are just trying to figure everything out!

Data Camp is a quick, effective training to help understand data workflows: how they work, how they can be quickly and efficiently optimized, and how to engage your team in doing so. It will be fun, interesting, and connect you to a network of other Head Start professionals facing the same challenges and opportunities. You’ll leave with a workbook of resources, new friends, and simple, effective ideas to make small, meaningful changes back in your programs.

If you have any questions about Data Camp, contact me at  stuart@acornevaluation.com. Apply to attend, and learn more here. Spaces are limited and we hope to see you there!

Stuart Jones
Acorn Evaluation



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